RES - Fusion Reactor 1
Chapter 1: What does a baseball have in common with a fusion reactor? : Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology > Vol.10 No.1, January 2024
As with all unequal comparisons, this one may be flawed, but it may assist in the comprehension of the fusion reactor, which is characterised by a spherical magnetic field. The baseball demonstrates two equal pieces of leather sewn together to form a sphere. The stitching, which is visible on the surface of the sphere, reveals four semicircular arcs connected in an endless loop in the form of a double helix. In any fusion reactor designed for electromagnetic plasma confinement, once the plasma has been ignited, the electrons and ions interact with the magnetic field by aligning their axes of angular momentum parallel to the magnetic field lines. This is where the baseball seam comes into play. As previously mentioned, it consists of four semicircular arcs. Each time an electron or ion passes through one of the four arcs on its orbit, the spin changes from an up spin to a down spin by reversing the direction of rotation four times. This can be likened to a baseball being hit eccentrically by a bat four times in quick succession, causing it to spin in opposite directions. Which way would the baseball go? To anticipate the answer, the torques of its rotation would cancel each other out, resulting in the ball flying straight ahead. This phenomenon can be observed in the plasma of a fusion reactor, where the electrons and ions follow the path defined by the magnetic field lines. This results in the turbulence within the plasma being effectively prevented by creating a perfect fluid-dynamic equilibrium of the transverse forces. Construction of such a fusion reactor could begin soon. The extended version, please read: #looperator #solution4fusion #resfusion1 #plasmaphysics #isaset2024 #islop2024 #gmson2024 #grcresd2024 #optics2024 #asktheinventor #fusionenergy #plasma #plasmaphysics #excellence from #theländ